If you are like most motorists, you find it frustrating when other drivers display a wanton disregard for the law. Problem drivers cause more than just frustration. Reckless driving can also lead to serious accidents and injuries, some of which are life altering to the hapless victims caught in the middle.
Even if you are a considerate and conscientious driver, you might still experience an injury because of another person’s careless driving. The National Law Review explains common reckless driving behaviors, and what makes these behaviors so hazardous to everyone who shares the road.
Types of reckless driving
While reckless driving accompanies a wide range of behaviors, some are more common than others. Driving while impaired is a major contributor to motor vehicle accidents. Intoxicated driving, which can result from the consumption of drugs or alcohol, impairs your judgement and prevents you from making safe, reasonable decisions behind the wheel. It also decreases hand-eye coordination and impairs vision by causing blurriness or limiting a driver’s ability to focus on and track objects, such as other vehicles.
Speeding is particularly hazardous, because it both increases the risk of an accident and causes more serious injuries should a collision occur. Weaving through traffic without properly signaling is another common cause of serious collisions, especially when combined with high speeds. Leaving room between yourself and other vehicles provides enough time for you to react to a sudden stop in front of you. Tailgating occurs when you ride too close behind another vehicle, which increases the risk of a rear-end collision.
How reckless driving can cause injuries
Many reckless driving incidents cause severe injuries, including damage to the spinal cord and brain. Mobility, cognition, breathing problems, and more can result from severe motor vehicle accidents. Rollover accidents can also cause massive damage to limbs, which may require amputation. When injuries are disfiguring, such as scarring from burns, victims typically experience emotional effects. Even less serious occurrences like broken bones often result in lifelong pain conditions that impact a person’s quality of life.