Traumatic brain injuries from car accidents remain a high concern for public health. These injuries can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage, affecting survivors' lives significantly. Understanding the severity and the consequences of TBIs in car...
Personal Injury
What are some types of fall prevention on construction sites?
Construction sites, with their towering structures and bustling activities, are dynamic environments where safety is important. Among the many risks, falls from heights remain a significant concern. To mitigate this danger, knowing about stringent fall prevention...
Tips for safe driving in adverse weather
The Texas Department of Transportation reported in 2020, every 57 seconds, an injury accident happened on state roadways. Such crashes can happen anytime, even without other vehicles present. However, adverse weather conditions often are a factor. When it comes to bad...
Why are truck rollover accidents so dangerous?
Truck rollover accidents pose grave dangers to all road users. These catastrophic incidents occur when a large commercial vehicle, like a semi-truck or tanker, loses balance and tips onto its side or roof. Understanding why truck rollovers happen is just one step...
How to help teenage drivers feel more comfortable on the road
For many teenagers, learning to drive is an exciting milestone on the path to independence. However, it can also be a nerve-wracking experience, filled with uncertainties and fears. Additionally, driving can be dangerous if not done correctly. The Centers for Disease...
More commercial truck drivers testing positive for drugs
When any driver in Texas uses drugs before getting behind the wheel, it raises the risk of a car wreck. Yet, when the people abusing drugs are also sitting behind the wheels of large, heavy semis, the repercussions often prove catastrophic. This is concerning because...
What can you do if injured and your employer lacks workers’ comp?
Getting hurt at work can turn your world upside down, especially when your employer does not provide workers' compensation. This situation can be even more complicated in Texas, where, unlike in many other states, employers do not have to provide this coverage. You...
Fatigue and job-related traffic accidents
Regardless of the field you work in, it is important to understand risks that you face on the job. If your duties involve driving, or you occasionally find yourself behind the wheel as a result of your job, it is essential to focus on safety and do everything you can...
Is your headache the sign of something serious?
Car accidents occur at high rates in Texas, and quite a few of them may prove non-life threatening and leave you with little to no physical signs that you experienced a crash. In some cases, minor collisions can have a profound effect on the body, especially the...
4 common signs of internal bleeding after a car accident
When you drive or ride in a car, it is imperative to wear your seat belt. After all, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, proper seat belt usage reduces your probability of suffering a fatal injury in a car accident by as much as 45%. While...