What level are your burn injuries?

On Behalf of | Sep 7, 2021 | Personal Injury

A severe burn can be life-changing and debilitating. If you are a burn survivor, the results of any legal measures you take depend on the severity of your burns.

According to WebMD, burn injuries tend to have three different classifications.

Classifying different burns

The degree of burns includes first, second and third. While the first three classifications are the most common, fourth-degree burns are possible. First-degree burns are superficial and tend to only result in reddened skin.

A second-degree burn affects the lower layer of skin, often resulting in pain, blistering and swelling. Third-degree burns are far more serious and may cause extreme pain or may be numb. Full-thickness burns affect your deeper tissue. Your skin may turn white, black or appear charred.

Fourth-degree burns have no feeling. The burn destroyed the skin, muscle, fat and in serious cases bone.

Understanding burn complications

Controlling burn complications may be difficult because they have unique characteristics. The pain may be intense and you may require aggressive treatment. Depending on the severity of the burn, some victims go into shock. Shock symptoms include clammy skin, weakness, blue lips and fingernails. You may be unable to remain alert or focused.

A serious burn leaves you vulnerable to bacteria entering your body. Sepsis, for example, is an infection in your bloodstream and you can develop tetanus when a particular bacteria enter your body through the open wound.

The scar tissue left on your skin, muscles or tendons can lead to painful movement and joint and bone problems. Other complications include losing body fluids, drop in body temperature and difficulty breathing from smoke or heat.

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