Suffering a head injury on behalf of another person or institution’s negligence can alter the course of your life. Among the various complications associated with traumatic brain injuries, you may also experience behavioral changes.
Generally, behavioral changes occur soon after the initial injury. The permanence of the changes depends on the severity and location of the injury.
What changes may occur?
Commonly, people with a TBI have difficulty controlling their emotions. You may find that your responses to a situation have become more extreme. Activities you used to love may seem like a chore and you may refuse to do things more often than you did before.
You may discover that you have more difficulties starting tasks than you used to. You might be unmotivated even though you enjoy or benefit from the activity. Often, people with TBI fear that they have become lazy, but this is not the case. Social situations may feel more complex and you may have difficulty communicating with others.
Why do changes occur?
An injury to your brain can impact how the brain works. For example, if your injury makes it difficult to focus, think or communicate, you may look more uncooperative to others. You may appear lazy because you do not have the focus or motivation to perform various tasks.
The TBI can also affect the area of your brain that controls your impulses. As you lose impulse control, you may say things that you do not mean or offend others.
Your behavioral changes can alter how you communicate and interact with other people in your life.