Car accidents occur at high rates in Texas, and quite a few of them may prove non-life threatening and leave you with little to no physical signs that you experienced a crash. In some cases, minor collisions can have a profound effect on the body, especially the brain.
Since the brain is the most critical and sensitive organ in the body, the way it responds to an injury varies; however, the most common sign that the brain is in distress is a headache, and ignoring it may change your life in unfathomable ways.
The brain and trauma
When you think about brain trauma, you may assume there is blood involved. Any sudden movement that causes the brain to slip inside the skull and hit the bone may cause brain trauma. When the tissue hits the bone it can bruise and, in some intense cases, it may begin to bleed. Any unaddressed injury to the brain may quickly become dangerous.
Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury
A headache that does not improve with over-the-counter medications is a primary sign that the brain is in distress. In fact, the pain usually worsens and other seemingly unrelated symptoms may begin. You may feel unusually lethargic or experience insomnia when you never have before. Your ability to recall events, both short and long-term, may suddenly fail, and you may suddenly experience a problem with finding the right words. Other symptoms include:
- Nausea with or without vomiting
- Ringing in the ears
- Mood swings
- Light sensitivity
- Swaying gait
Paying attention to how you feel, both physically and emotionally after a crash may provide clues of a brain injury.
Since brain trauma may rise to permanent and catastrophic, acting quickly after a crash may mean all the difference.