Regardless of the field you work in, it is important to understand risks that you face on the job. If your duties involve driving, or you occasionally find yourself behind the wheel as a result of your job, it is essential to focus on safety and do everything you can to avoid an accident. Sadly, work-related traffic accidents result in many lost lives and debilitating injuries on an annual basis.
There are a plethora of reasons why traffic collisions happen, from slick roads and speeding to drunk drivers and distractions. However, fatigue plays a role in many accidents. While working, some people are especially vulnerable when it comes to drowsiness, and it is crucial for workers and employers to take a close look at this issue.
Data on traffic accidents and worker fatigue
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shared statistics on traffic collisions and work-related fatigue. According to the CDC, one survey found that 37% of U.S. workers did not get at least seven hours of sleep, which is the minimum amount of sleep recommended (adults typically need between seven and nine hours of sleep).
In fact, the impact of sleep deprivation is comparable to alcohol intoxication. After staying awake for 17 hours, an adult can become impaired as if they had a blood alcohol content level of .05 (this increases to .10 after 24 hours).
The impact of on-the-job traffic accidents
A job-related traffic collision could lead to many different challenges. You might have to take time off of work and you could struggle due to hospital bills, lost wages and other financial difficulties. If your job places you behind the wheel on a daily basis, finding a new line of work in the wake of a traffic accident could become necessary.
It is vital to explore resources that could help you move forward after a job-related collision.